by Bob Thompson As an administrator or board member there are many problems that come before you and/or the board during the course of a year, most of which are not controversial. However, there are always a few decisions that, if not handled well, can become major...
By Bob Thompson Some Observations: Drawing from over 30 years experience working with boards of education I see the following recurring phenomena. In the vast majority of cases, trouble does not spring up overnight, it grows over time. What appears to be the cause of...
by Bob Thompson Board harmony is cyclic. All boards cycle from “harmony” to “disharmony” and back again. The cycles may vary in length and in intensity, but the cycle inevitably takes place. The important question for the superintendent is...
by Bob Thompson Many issues come before an administrator during the course of his/her career, most of which are not controversial. However, there are always a few that become major issues with the employees, board, parents, community, or special interest groups. The...