Entry Audit [Superintendents]

Jun 28, 2016

by Bob Thompson

The Information I Would Want About a District Before I Decided to Take the Job


Instructions: Use this brainstormed list of ideas to develop your own audit criteria

Group I (black ink)

  1. Who else on staff applied for the job
  2. Finances – 5 yr. reflection
  3. Demographics
  4. How long last superintendent stayed and hwy he/she left
  5. Staff turnover
  6. Test scores/ SI status
  7. What issues Board wants addressed
  8. Hot issues in community
  9. How much community involvement in school
  10. Denomination of Board members (church attended)
  11. What is school noted for in region
  12. Policies (Board)
  13. Number of people who normally attend board meetings
  14. School’s relationship with the press
  15. Statistical report
  16. Length of board member’s tenure


Group II (Blue ink)

  1. Why are you a board member & how long served?
  2. Previous 3-yr fund balance/enrollment
  3. AYP status
  4. Master plan – building program
  5. Strength’s & weakness of district in the eyes of each board member & priorities
  6. Experience & age of staff
  7. Would like to know what each board member believes his/her job or duty is.
  8. What is taboo?  Is there a sacred cow?


Group III (Red ink)

  1. Financial – last 3 years
  2. Academic status
  3. Leadership vacancies (problems)
  4. Facilities Master Plan – who, what, when, $$
  5. Status of Board members
  6. Data on community support
  7. Millage results / amount, etc. ..  track record
  8. Union presence
  9. Training, Board staff
  10. Curriculum, Technology, ACSIP, Athletics/ Activities
  11. Financial package/contract


Group IV (Green ink)

  1. Avg. Supt. Stay
  2. Financial situation
  3. Board tenure (stability) spouses, children
  4. Support PD for Supt.
  5. Academic situation – test scores, curriculum
  6. Expectations of Board – status Quo charge
  7. Demographics
  8. Avg. class size
  9. Current Administrative team status
  10. Community issues
  11. Who is going to run district?
  12. Chain of Command
  13. Level of involvement
  14. School issues
  15. Expectations of Supt.
  16. Who ‘in-house’ wants the job
  17. What board sees as district’s strengths/ concerns
  18. Timeline for hire