Entry Audit [Superintendents]
by Bob Thompson
The Information I Would Want About a District Before I Decided to Take the Job
Instructions: Use this brainstormed list of ideas to develop your own audit criteria
Group I (black ink)
- Who else on staff applied for the job
- Finances – 5 yr. reflection
- Demographics
- How long last superintendent stayed and hwy he/she left
- Staff turnover
- Test scores/ SI status
- What issues Board wants addressed
- Hot issues in community
- How much community involvement in school
- Denomination of Board members (church attended)
- What is school noted for in region
- Policies (Board)
- Number of people who normally attend board meetings
- School’s relationship with the press
- Statistical report
- Length of board member’s tenure
Group II (Blue ink)
- Why are you a board member & how long served?
- Previous 3-yr fund balance/enrollment
- AYP status
- Master plan – building program
- Strength’s & weakness of district in the eyes of each board member & priorities
- Experience & age of staff
- Would like to know what each board member believes his/her job or duty is.
- What is taboo? Is there a sacred cow?
Group III (Red ink)
- Financial – last 3 years
- Academic status
- Leadership vacancies (problems)
- Facilities Master Plan – who, what, when, $$
- Status of Board members
- Data on community support
- Millage results / amount, etc. .. track record
- Union presence
- Training, Board staff
- Curriculum, Technology, ACSIP, Athletics/ Activities
- Financial package/contract
Group IV (Green ink)
- Avg. Supt. Stay
- Financial situation
- Board tenure (stability) spouses, children
- Support PD for Supt.
- Academic situation – test scores, curriculum
- Expectations of Board – status Quo charge
- Demographics
- Avg. class size
- Current Administrative team status
- Community issues
- Who is going to run district?
- Chain of Command
- Level of involvement
- School issues
- Expectations of Supt.
- Who ‘in-house’ wants the job
- What board sees as district’s strengths/ concerns
- Timeline for hire